Acta Periodica Duellatorum – 2013: Volume 2 Issue 1
- The Neapolitan School of Fencing: Its Origins and Early Characteristics (Charles Blair)
- The guild and the swordsman (Jean Chandler)
- Thibault and Science I.: Measure, Distances and Proportions in the Circle (János Majár, Zoltán Várhelyi)
- Liegnitzer, Hundsfeld or Lew? The question of authorship of popular Medieval fighting teachings (Daniel Jaquet, Bartłomiej Walczak)
- Thoughts on the Role of Cavalry in Medieval Warfare (Jack Gassmann)
- Medieval Hunting as Training for War: Insights for the Modern Swordsman (Richard Swinney, Scott Crawford)
- The Bolognese Societates Armatae of the Late 13 th Century (Jürg Gassmann)
- Organization and Regulation of Fencing in the Realm of France in the Renaissance (Olivier Dupuis)
- Analysis of a Feder (Ferenc Rádi)
- Book review Ludwig, Ulrike; Krug-Richter, Barbara and Schwerhoff, Gerd (eds.): Das Duell. Ehrenkämpfe vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne (Daniel Jaquet)