Acta Periodica Duellatorum – 2013: Volume 1 Issue 1
- A Kampfschwert from the 15 th century – a reinterpretation of the so called ‘Teutonic estoc’ from the Princes Czartoryski Collection in Cracow, Poland (Maciej Talaga)
- Translation memory and computer assisted translation tool for medieval texts (Attila Törcsvári)
- Fighting in the Fightschools late XVth, early XVIth century (Daniel Jaquet)
- A fifteenth-century fencing tournament in Strasburg (Olivier Dupuis)
- HEMA in the map of science (Mátyás Miskolczi Ph.D.)
- Mertein Hündsfelder: Fechtlehre mit dem Kurzen Schwert , circa 1491 AD Fight-Teaching with the Shortened Sword from Codex Speyer (137r-141r) (Szabolcs Waldmann)
- A brief examination of warfare by medieval urban militias in Central and Northern Europe (Jean Henri Chandler)
- Bayonet Fencing : An overview of historiography and techniques for French footmen during World War I. (Julien Garry)
- The true edge: a comparison between self-defense fighting from German ‘fight-books’ (Fechtbücher) and the reality of judicial sources (1400-1550) (Pierre-Henry Bas)