Libro de Armas y Doctrina

The anonymous Libro de Armas y Doctrina… is a rare manuscript from the XVIII century containing twelve printed engravings which depicts a transitional period in which Verdadeira Destreza is adapting to the new weapons and customs and struggling not to be replaced by new imported styles.


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During the eighteenth century the Verdadeira Destreza is still present, although the change of arms causes other currents to become dominant.

This book that we present is one of the few testimonies of this period of time in which different influences come together.

It is singular because it is a manuscript with printed engravins. Very few copies are known of it. Its author is unknown to us as well as the circumstances of its composition and why it did not come to be printed in its entirety.

In our edition we have compiled the description of all existing copies, reproducing the totality of the plates and presenting the critical edition of all the known variants.

Among the contents of the book we can find:

  • Instructions for accidental, estraño and través steps on both sides, as well as curvo steps.
  • Defense and offence, binding the blades inside and outside.
  • Coutertechniques for the six positions: in addition to the recta, obtusa, aguda and remisa, it also presents oppositions to the «Italian» and to the «Turk».
  • Presentation of the Tretas Generales, with their corresponding countertechniques.
  • Explanation of the four ways of removing the sword from a dangerous place.
  • Counterstrikes for the tajo, revés, medio tajo and medio revés, and their diagonals.
  • Countertechnique for the triangle of first intention.
  • And some final notes accompanied by questions and answers from some movements.
  • In addition to our usual bibliographical and critical preliminary study.

We hope it will be useful to all «amateurs» as its title suggests.


Denís Fernández Cabrera, Manuel Valle Ortiz

Published in

Santiago de Compostela : AGEA, Edizer, (Sacauntos), 2018


A. C. O.





Physical description

Ivory paper, textured cardboard cover, dust cover, limited 60 exemplars numered edition


AGEA Clássica

Original date


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