Mano y Media de Fiore dei Liberi

Careful presentation of the art of the sword by master Fiore developed by Manuel Campo, from the Asociación Lucense de Esgrima Antiga. In the book you will find, in addition to the theoretical apparatus necessary to contextualize Art and this interpretation, a step-by-step journey through the techniques of Fior di Batagglia, explained in modern and easy-to-understand terms and accompanied by numerous photographs, with an informal and often humorous tone — an approach that justly earns the subtitle of «Fiore for Dummies».


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Product ID: 1623 SKU: Apresenta02 Category: Tags: , , , ,

[This work belongs in the AGEA Editora Apresenta collection, the purpose of which is to facilitate the publication of material related to HEMA that is beyond our main editorial theme — the martial arts of the Iberian Baroque. You can read a more detailed description in the article already published about our editorial lines. ]

From the back matter, translated from the Spanish:

Fiore dei Liberi was a master of the art of combat born in the mid-fourteenth century in Friuli, at that time part of the Holy Roman Empire, who in Fior di Battaglia, his most recognized work, reels in illustrations and verses the fighting techniques that distinguish him as a weapons master, showing us a different style to other contemporary authors.

In this small manual we will try to present an interpretation of Fiore’s longsword fencing, trying not only to show the execution of techniques, but also the bases of his peculiar style, for those who wish to immerse themselves in the interpretation of his work.

I invite you to open this book and join me on a small journey of discovery of this most interesting author.

Careful presentation of the art of the sword by master Fiore developed by Manuel Campo, from the Asociación Lucense de Esgrima Antiga. In the book you will find, in addition to the theoretical apparatus necessary to contextualize Art and this interpretation, a step-by-step journey through the techniques of Fior di Batagglia, explained in modern and easy-to-understand terms and accompanied by numerous photographs, with an informal and often humorous tone — an approach that justly earns the subtitle of «Fiore for Dummies».



Manuel Campo

Published in

Santiago de Compostela : AGEA Editora, 2021.


Manuel Campo



Physical description

Papel offset de 100g, capa com orelhas laminada mate


AGEA Apresenta

Original date






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